Photo Credit :  Jürg Häusermann

Come, Live, Enjoy and Work Zermatt!

Job opportunities with Work Zermatt

Work Zermatt is recruiting on a large scale, for a variety of seasonal and permanent positions within the hospitality and tourism industries.

Zermatt is in need of qualified staff to keep up with an ever expanding market. New establishments with modern and exciting business models need skilled and motivated personnel to help them set the trends for the future of the industry. Work Zermatt is looking for these personalities, the leaders, the drivers, the motivators, capable of taking initiatives and being a true asset to their work colleagues and employers. The members that will assume the mantels of leaders in the modern day hospitality industry. These are the roles we are looking to fill.


Everyone starts somewhere. Fresh out of school and looking for experience? We have avalanches worth of experience to amass. Work your way up the professional ladders and acquire the skills neccessary to become the next team leader in your field. Our partners are looking for talents who shine of their own volition and they are willing to compensate accordingly, lets us help you catapult yourself to the role you've trained so hard for.

Come and Live, Enjoy and Work Zermatt!


Are you looking for a change of horizon, a new career in an exciting and
breath taking environment?
Come to Zermatt!
Wether you are a cook, waiter, housekeeper, receptionist, portier, technician, handyman, barman/maid, sales person, student, anyone, everyone.
We need you all!
Find work in Zermatt and join the community of the Matterhorn village